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Moshi Town Campus
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Moshi Town Campus
Located 1 Km South of Moshi Town Bus Stand

Stefano Moshi Memorial University College (SMMUCo) is one of the Constituent Colleges of Tumaini University Makumira. The University College inherited the buildings of Masoka Management Training Institute, an institute established by the ELCT Northern Diocese in 1991, to train personnel for the Church and the nation, and taught programs leading to Certificates, Diplomas and Advanced Diplomas.

SMMUCo is a Christ-centered institution owned by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania (ELCT), Northern Diocese. However, all students are admitted with no regard to their religion, sex, ethnic group and race. It is a Multi-campus University College with three campuses: Masoka, Mwika and Moshi Town. Masoka Campus is currently serving as the main campus of SMMUCo and there are three projected campuses: Machame, Siha and Karatu.

Stefano Moshi Memorial University College (SMMUCo) is named in memory and honor of Stefano Reuben Moshi (1963-1976), the first Bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Tanzania ELCT and founder of the Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre (KCMC).

The University College has been granted:

  1. Certificate of Full Registration (CFR) issued by the Tanzania Commission for Universities (TCU);
  2. Charter of Incorporation issued by The United Republic of Tanzania; and
  3. Exemption from the National Board of Accountancy and Auditors of Tanzania (NBAA) to its Accounting programmes

Serving God and people by promoting educational and professional excellence for total quality development of all mankind.

To provide high quality education and research works so as to empower students to serve people, the nation and the international community.

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